Meet the Team

  • Joshua and Jessica Buescher

    Joshua is Pastor of CC Cheney. His wife Jessica is our church admin, event organizer and coordinator of the women’s and children’s ministries.

  • Jim and Carol Higgins

    Jim is an Elder of CC Cheney, he also does the majority of the maintenance and grounds care. Carol is an organizer and cleaning extraordinaire who keeps the church in order!

  • Roy and Carol Mortlock

    Roy is an Elder of CC Cheney, Men’s Bible Study leader, and sound board tech. His lovely wife Carol helps with cleaning the building as well as brewing coffee on Sunday mornings (a rarely applauded, but much appreciated task!)

  • Glenn and Lorie Blackshear

    Glenn is our Worship Leader. Glenn and Lorie together run the Blue Dove Cafe, where you are welcome to order drinks before/after service!

  • Michael and Lydia Edgerton

    Lydia plays drums and sings for worship. Michael helps out with a little of everything, you may see him making coffee, standing as security or helping in the sound booth!

  • Jeff and Carrie Andrade

    Jeff plays guitar and sings for worship. Carrie teaches in our 2nd-5th Grade Sunday School class!

Many more people help this church keep running smoothly, this is just a small sampling of the hands at work. We are so thankful for our church body and how faithful they are to jump in and take on tasks. I could list the whole church under “Our Team” and feel I wasn’t exaggerating!